The reforming subsystem for the Biogas2PEM-FC project arrived to Seville last week. Helbio has developed a compact unit able to transform a suitable source of biogas (or pure methane) into a reformate gas providing 0.8, 1.0 or 1.2 Nm3 of hydrogen per hour. The system is fully integrated and has its own PLC that controls the whole reforming procedure once it is launched. The user can select the type of fuel input, stablish desired operating point and supervise the different process variables throughout a LCD tactile screen placed in the frontal panel of the reformer.
The reformer uses part of its biogas input to perform combustion processes so that the temperature needed for some chemical reactions can be reached. It also consumes demineralized water to generate the steam for the water gas shift reactions and nitrogen to inertize the conduits after each procedure.
In order for the reformer to be integrated and controlled by the DCS (Distributed Control System), the Fatek PLC has been equipped with a ModBus module that can be configured to periodically send the values of the different variables associated to the reforming process (temperatures, pressured, mass flows, alarms etc.)
Helbio has also supplied a couple of external vessels containing the best suited filtering elements according to results from WP2. Generated biogas passes through this filters, so that a considerable fraction of CO and other kinds of impurities are removed. Such a cleaned biogas can be then used to feed the reformer.
Idener is already working in the construction of an aluminium structure to integrate the reformer and the fuel cell, with their associated conduits, valves and controls.